Scroll down to listen to or download 'Hypnosis for the Winter Blues & Seasonal Affective Disorder'

I'm a Gemini, and if you know anything about star signs, you will already know that Gemini is symbolised by twins - renowned for having multiple facets to our personalities.

Yet in the past, a very different part of me has emerged each winter which has absolutely nothing to do with my star sign. I'm referring to a very common phenomenon called 'Seasonal Affective Disorder' or the 'Winter Blues' which can often leave sufferers feeling depressed, lethargic and withdrawing from social situations.

For me it felt like a strong need to hibernate and a desire to just be left alone.

Now the change of season brings with it a change in temperature but it is, in actual fact, the change in light levels which can affect mood in this way. A drop in the levels of sunlight can result in disrupted circadian rhythms (sleep patterns), a decrease in serotonin (an important neurotransmitter which maintains mood balance) and an increase in Melatonin (the hormone that helps control wake and sleep patterns).

With all this going on, it's easy to see how winter can often leave a person feeling not quite yourself.

Hibernation is't really an option though is it. We've still got work to do, kids to look after, social lives to maintain, meals to cook, shopping to do.... and so on...

Thankfully, there are some very simple self-help techniques that can make all the difference. Light therapy & wake up light clocks, spending more time outside during the hours of daylight, exercise, yoga, self-hypnosis and meditation are all most effective when you begin your self care routine this early in the season.

So to help you get started, please feel free to listen to, enjoy and share this 'Hypnosis for the Winter Blues' FREE audio and begin to enjoy more fully everything this coming season has to offer.


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